BTS fic recs
Hello and welcome to a collection of my favourite ao3 fics.
Most of these fic recs are jin ships but there will be others too, please use the navigation below!
(The purple buttons will take you direct to the ao3 page of each work)
© seokjinbambi. All rights reserved.
A gilded world by smiles
-175k words
-fake/arranged marriage
-if you haven't read this fic enough times to memorise the lines then I don't know if we can be friends
Echo chorus by smiles
-90k words
-producer yoongi idol jin
-just read this ok it breaks your heart
Stars lost at sea by smiles
-68k words
-time travel
-i cry everytime I read this it's so good
One less stranger by chlexcr
-20k words
-jin Airbnb host and yoongi stays at his Airbnb
-i don't know how to describe it but it just warms my heart
New deep by jinified
-42k words
-yoongi idol Jin hotelier
-so sweet
-fishing yes
Sin city by jinified
-58k words
-they get married in vegas while drunk...need I say more
Worldwide lonesome by loindexter
-39k words
-literally a rom com
Inc by minverse
-43k words
-office banter
-like this is so funny
Heists and hearts by whenflowersbloom
-95k words
-exes forced to work together
-painting heist
-loved this!!
Fake sugar by minverse
-87k words
-sugar daddy jk and competitive eater jin
-pretty funny
Cherub vice by nonheather
-the summary doesn't do it justice pls trust me and read it
-it's beautiful
-need to stop reading fics in one sitting lol
Taaffeite moths by nonheather
-127k words
-fake dating
-actors jk and Jin
-just this is so good like so so good
Monk fruit by glossamer
-ongoing but already 98k words
-medical school
-yoonjin friendship yes pls
-possibly the best fic I have ever read
Pull the wool over my eyes by wonsteapot
-56k words
-everyone's fave trope is back...fake dating yay
Of ginger strawberries and serratia marcescens
-41k words
-fake dating again woo
-v much appreciated all the chemistry jokes as somebody who is studying chemistry at uni
-also the mushu reference
-just so cute
The ballad of John and Jim by kissandmusic
-37k words
-jungkook works in a bar and jin goes to the bar on a date
-relatable Starbucks workers getting names wrong
-such a cute ending
Rockstar by risinggukkie
-jin rockstar
-jk is like the bangtan bomb noona
-excellent so far, excited to see where it will go
Town hall by moontime
-ongoing 37k atm
-jin political reporter
-jk campaign staff
-v cute and great plot
How to win a guy in 7 days by PrettyBoyKiller
-65k words
-jk accidentally ends up in idol Seokjin's room on boat
-fake dating bc of immigration
-so funny, romcom
Cart chick by moontime
-95k words
-chaebol Jin goes to work in supermarket where jk works
-this is amazing, a literal romcom
-pls pls go read
-really well written characters
The Pathos of things by almostsophie1
-25k words
-jin food blogger/works in restaurant and photographer jk
-jk exchange student in Japan
-v cute
Save as: Pending by kissandmusic
-56k words
-hobi centric
-post enlistment
-honestly this fic was so good, I laughed I cried, it really made me think
-lonliness and asexuality explored